Category Archives: Uncategorized

Throw Them In A Boat

I Am Pretty Gay

That’s right folks, Will Smith is really going for the Oscar gold! He plans to star in a (completely contrived) historical epic entitled “The Last Pharaoh”. Man, really can’t wait for that one. I think one thing I want to do is put almost every A-lister on a boat. Specifically George Clooney, Will Smith, Jake Gyllenhall, Julia Roberts, I’m not going to bother. I’m just so tired of the countless star vehicles being whipped out nowadays. I know it’s always been like this but can we at least have some star vehicles with substance? Remember that short fat dude named Hitchcock? He was able to put some major stars and personalities in his films and give us something other than a 2 hour long swoon fest. Studios even go as far as giving their A-listers cameras nowadays. I mean did you actually see the George Clooney directed “Leatherheads”? Of course not, but he still did it. I bet you Will Smith is going to be great as that Egyptian Pharaoh though, all while doing his serious face. Which looks a little something like this;

Whenever Will Smith makes that face it is safe to say that he is serious. No silly jokes, no “Oh Hell Na”s, something has happened that has made him stern. There’s no way that Will Smith will be able to play an Egyptian pharaoh at all, I’m sorry. All the undeserving A-listers are given these parts like doggy treats by the studio. “Hey, if Hancock can do 200 mill, so can this.” I’m even fearful of seeing “Burn After Reading” because it has so many smug bastards fit into one movie, all it needs is Matt Damon….but then wouldn’t that be “Ocean’s Eleven”? Oh well, people loved that right! Somebody should have told the Coen brothers, Matt Damon should have been in that.

Futile ranting about Hollywood and the state of movies. I think we are honestly approaching the death of American Cinema.

Rad Vid!!!

Yes, I did watch the MTV Video Music Awards tonight…..they were better than last year! T.I. was good, I’m still wondering what’s going on with Kanye, and honestly……..Lil Wayne….get out of my face, I’m so tired of you right now. What an incredibly weak performance. And as for T-Pain….you really need that voice coder man…all the time. But that’s not why I’m doing a post right now. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Depeche Mode. I don’t know why. I’m not currently on an 80’s new wave kick (that was this time last year, thanks Robert Smith), but I think it’s fitting to post a few very well done videos by a band that achieved a large amount of success thanks to the medium that MTV was original dedicated to….until Speidi. Depeche Mode’s videos are all very artfully done. Beautifull shot, with some French new wave inspiration, the latest CGI and so on. I was really suprised I haven’t taken notice of their videos before…oh well.

“Never Let me Down”

“Enjoy The Silence”

“Policy of Truth”

“Everything Counts”

“Just Can’t Get Enough” (This one really has me confused…..)



On an only slightly related note, I did like what Coldplay did with their “alternate” take of the “Viva La Vida” vid….it was a lot better than the official final product by Hype Williams.

Actually, while we’re at it. I’m not a huge fan of Christ Martin or Coldplay, but they have some very good men behind the lens on their videos as well. I’m pretty sure that Coldplay has some influence of DM.

“Violet Hill”


“The Scientist”


There are some more noteworthy videos by both of these bands, but these are just the ones I like the most. I think tonight really got me thinking that at one time music videos were more than just a marketing tool. I do forget it sometimes, I really do. I mean guys like Spike Jonze, Mark Romanek, Michel Gondry, Michael Bay, and Anton Corbijn (among other things) made careers off of videos. Eventually parlaying that success into film careers. Like how I slipped Michael Bay in there?


It’s prime time for movie news at this very moment because the last part of the year is when studios get out all the good stuff, and start planning for summers ahead.

First up is all the debate over Ghostbuster 3. It really seemed like it came out of nowhere, first with Dan Akroyd claiming two writers were already hard at work. Now official word comes that two scribes from the American version of TV’s once funny show “The Office” are hard at work on a script for part three. Then comes the part that really gets me excited……Harold Ramis is working with them. This is already a sign of quality that this isn’t going to be some botched cash in, and hopefully this will make up for the mediocre (and entirely unneeded) sequel. I’ll be honest, I’m really excited. Ghostbusters is one of those movies that made me fall in love with film when I was young, and it’s still a quality piece of entertainment till this day. My only thing is Bill Murray better be back on board. If Bill doesn’t come back we’ll know that things are so good in Ghostbusters land.Ghostbusters

Well festival season is in full swing once again and the Toronto Film Festival is one of the first to be underway. This is the time of year in which kids like myself across America that live in towns, and cities with almost zero culture get to sit back and watch critics chat up the films we’re dying to see months before we ever get them (I’m just a bit bitter). I’m really happy that Darren Arofonsky’s “The Wrestler” is getting positive buzz, I was worried Arofonsky was going to fall off the map after the lashing he received for the VERY VERY underrated 2005 film “The Fountain”. On a minor note the “clever marketing in disguise of a movie” of the year “Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist” is receiving poor reviews all around. Don’t get me wrong I don’t wish to see this film fail, I’m not that mean spirited. I haven’t seen “N&N” but I always feel like movies like that are simply cheap cash-ins on current teenage trends. I think that a quality teen film can be put out without cute t-shirts at Hot Topic, an indie rock soundtrack, and a plethora of other marketing ploys. (Though I’m not going to lie, knowing that Vampire Weekend & Mark Mothersbaugh are doing a song together for the movie makes me absolutely batty!!!)

I’ll be looking forward to hearing the buzz on the many foreign films and smaller independents that are making their debut at the festival. I’m not so sure about “Burn After Reading” anymore, I just have a really weird feeling it’s going to let me down. Guy Ritchie’s “Rock N Rolla” will surely be somewhat entertaining (more so than the dismal Revolver)….but looks like more of the exact same thing he’s always done. I really think he needs to apply his talent somewhere besides the realm of London gangsters, and Madonna’s bed side. Also, I’m so tired of Jeremy Piven. Honestly dude people like Jason Statham can get away with playing the same card over and over again because they have more than an ounce of charisma and personality. Piven is so obnoxious. I can stand him in the capacity of “Entourage”, but when his douche baginess creeps into my local theater…I draw the line. I used to say “get a new schtick”, but I was watching Robert Altman’s “The Player” the other day, and I realized he’s been doing the same thing since 1992.


Two trailers for films I’ve been really interested in seeing have hit the nets. My feelings about them both are different.

My excitement for Gus Van Sant’s (or should I say THE DIRECTOR OF GOOD WILL HUNTING) film “Milk” has been reserved ever since I first heard about the project. The cast looked simply terrific except for one particular casting choice……Sean Penn. I’ll tell you right now that I have never liked Mr. Penn. I have yet to enjoy a single film with him, and trust me, I’ve tried (I think the closest I’ve ever come is The Game.)  I’ve just never bought Jeff Spicoli in any serious roles, specifically “Mystic River”. But I’m going to turn over a new leaf for “Milk” much like I did for George Clooney in “Michael Clayton”, because it seems to have everything going for it. The trailer really had me taken a back the first time I watched it, and I can only hope the film will live up to the feverish excitement growing within me each time I watch it. Though it seems like an Academy Awards voter’s wet dream, it also looks like a supremely well crafted film. (Also, really excited to see Emille Hirsch & James Franco batting in the big leagues.)

I’ve never realy been a Kevin Smith fan….sure “Clerks” was funny a few times, but I’ve just never gotten into anything else he’s done. I do really like Seth Rogen and the initial teaser for “Zack and Miri Make A Porno” had me thinking that maybe Kevin Smith had done something I would actually really enjoy. The premise seemed hilarious, and the talent lined up looked to really deliver. Yesterday the red band trailer hit the nets, and it looks really bad. I’ll remain somewhat optimistic and say, “Hey, maybe they saved the best for the film!” But really I didn’t laugh once. Every clever pop culture reference feels played out (Had the “Glengarry Glen Ross” line been in “Knocked Up” I probably would have bust a gut), and Rogen looks as if he’s following in the footsteps of those once hilarious actors who feel that saying the word “Fuck” 500 times will make for comic gold. Also, watching this don’t you feel as if it should have been called “Be Kind Rewind 2: The Adult Section”? I was just recently starting to respect Kevin Smith as a person, and that hasn’t changed, but my belief that he is a wildly overrated filmmaker has stayed very much the same.

Finally Saw It

Harold & Maude

Rarely do I watch a film and can instantly call it one of my all time favorites. “Harold & Maude” is one of those films that’s discussed by everyone as being one of those defining movies of an entire movement yadda yadda. I realize where their coming from by saying that, but the film hit me in a personal way that is ever so rare. I know exactly how Harold felt when his mother constantly begged him to get out there, do something with his life, find a woman, be something he isn’t. Watching Harold reminded me of a another coming of age film that struck me in much the same way this film did. It reminded me of the first time I saw Benjamin Braddock forget about every rule ever set before him and go after the women he loved in “The Graduate”. I can only hope that you enjoy “Harold & Maude” nearly as much as I did. Delightfully off beat, moving, and brilliant.

What It Do

I must say…the trailer for first time director Jordan Galland’s film “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Undead” has my opinion spread all over the place. Does it prique my interests? Very much so. Does it look a little to contrived and marketed at the “indie/hipster” crowd? Yes, but it’s no “Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist”. The idea of seeing Dustin Hoffman Jr. playing a lead role I think his father would be proud of is what has me the most giddy about the following…

In some rather sad news Rian Johnson’s “The Brothers Bloom” has been pushed back to January 16 for wide release, and later December for limited screenings. This could mean several things, one suggesting that maybe the film isn’t receiving the best reviews in test screenings, or perhaps studio heads think this little film will find it’s way come winter.

Also, I don’t mean to rant but there are so many blogs pouring words over all these major Hollywood productions that I have absolutely 0 interest in. I mean come next summer I’ll be sitting in the theater to see Tarantino’s “Inglorious Bastards” but at this point I could honestly careless. I know I’m not the only person who doesn’t bow at the very feet of this “homage” paying film snob. I feel like so many movie blogs nowadays narrow in on one film and hype it up to the point that it couldn’t possibly live up to expectations. I really wish they would offer a wider variety of film news, rather than reporting on whether or not Tarantino will have a sausage and egg bagel on the first day of filming.Inglorious Bastards

So of course I choose to follow up that little bit of venting with this. Yes, I am excited for it. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the thought of that pair of creamy white Australian thighs….but to whom am I referring? Baz Luhrman’s “Australia”.

Ok now letzz b real 4 2 seconds ya’ll. What the hell did you think about the Gossip Girl season 2 premiere!?!?! I must say I love shows like Mad Men, Dexter, Arrested Development (and every other show I’m supposed to like), but nothing gets the upper east sider out of my like a good episode of Gossip Girl. Who’s with me?
Gossip Girl

And finally, I’m all for movies with bleak interpretations of life, but Todd Solondz is to dreary slice of life movies, what the above mentioned Buz Luhrman is to love epics. He’s back folks, and with a sequel to “Happiness” nonetheless. I’ll be there fo sho.

Top 5 Movies of the Year….SO FAR.

Tis the season for “serious movies”, and I’m sure this list will change a bit by December (but who knows nowadays), but here is my list of the top 5 of the year so far….enjoy?

1)Vicky Christina Barcelona:
Brilliant. I think any pretentious “film buff” you will talk to will down this movie and compare it unfavorably to “Annie Hall” and “Manhattan”, but even though it’s not on the level of Allen’s earlier work, it certainly is better than anything he’s done this decade. Personally I would rank this as one of my personal favorites of his and yes, Cruz certainly deserves an Oscar nom.
Vicky Christina Barcelona
2)Snow Angels:
Though David Gordon Green disappointed me a tad with “Pineapple Express”, it was the extreme opposite with this truly beautiful film.
Snow Angels
3)The Dark Knight:
The Dark Knight
4)Funny Games:
Say what you will about “Funny Games”, I thought it was genius.
Funny Games
5)American Teen:
If you have a younger brother/sister who’s on their way to the big house, let them watch this.
American Teen

Honorable Mentions: Tropic Thunder & Speed Racer.


Bloc Party Album
Bloc Party.

Bring The Payne!!!!

(I’m really sorry about that title line, I was just trying to get you to read this.)


I’ve recently become infatuated with the work of director Alexander Payne. In a way he’s from the quirky, tweed suit wearing school that produced Wes Anderson, but at the same time he brings a note of realism that’s sometimes missing from Anderson’s pictures. Take for instance “Election” starring an equally excellent Matthew Broderick and Reese Witherspoon. It’s sort of like “Rushmore” on paper, an extra curricular enthused perfectionist going against a down on his luck working stiff (Ferris Bueller proving that he really isn’t cool at all). Under Payne’s direction it turned out to be far more than a cheap Anderson style rip-off (I’m looking at you “Rocket Science). I’ve also had the pleasure of seeing “Sideways” which I assumed would be all hype and little substance, but was actually far from. His other two feature film “About Schmidt” and “Citizen Ruth” look alright, but I’ve doubted you twice before Mr. Payne (haha), and I don’t think I can afford to again. This is another case in which I sat on watching any of his films, and now I realize I’ve truly been missing out on the growth of a fine American auteur. But I can rest easy because not only did I catch his short in the lovely “Paris Je’Taime”, but he also has a new film set for 2009. More Payne is surely on the way (lol)

Alexander Payne

If You Don’t Know, Now You Know

If the name Dustin Hoffman conjures up thoughts of a dog being flushed down the toilet in “Meet The Fockers”, or the movie “Kung Fu Panda”, it’s time for you to read the below.

I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Dustin Hoffman, the first in what will be many posts about actors or directors you may know, but might not have caught some of their best work. I’ve refrained from providing a summary for each film because I would really like it if you took the time to search each movie out and find out what’s right for you!

The Graduate

The Movie That Would Go On My Top Films of All Time List: “The Graduate”

This is pretty much a no brainer because chances are if you’ve seen The Graduate you love it.

Straw Dogs

Experimental Dustin: “Straw Dogs”

Though it is said he took the role purely for money (Hoffman is against overly violent films), Sam Peckinpah’s 1976 film “Straw Dogs” is a gripping psychological thriller. The movie slowly builds to an end that still makes me fear the English countryside.

All The President's Men

The Film That Made Me Love Dustin (Aka The Movie That Would Go On My Top Films of All Time List Part Deux): “All The President’s Men”

I wasn’t expecting much from “All The President’s Men” the first time I watched it, but the truth is I don’t think for one second I took my eyes off the screen. Though I love Hoffman playing characters on his own, he really excels when he has a counterpart (see also “Midnight Cowboy”, and “Papillion”), and Hoffman and Redford are team that rank up their with the best of them.

You Can Laugh Once In Awhile: “Tootsie”

Hoffman had a crew that was truly firing on all cylinders when it came time to shoot “Tootsie”, as well as a really fancy red dress. With the late Sydney Pollack behind the camera, a superb script, and an extremley talented ensemble, Hoffman had great support backing what is considered his riskiest role (take that Robin Williams). The pairing of Hoffman and Bill Murray as two flat mates is perhaps my favorite on screen pairing in cinema history.

Kramer Vs. Kramer

The Family Dramedy that was able to be successful without Julia Roberts or Susan Sarandon: “Kramer Vs. Kramer”

Proving all dramedies (Drama with Comedy) don’t have to be sugar coated products of Hollywood, “Kramer Vs. Kramer” is sincerely touching. I have watched it countless times and there is no denying it’s timeless appeal. I think any family, whether on the brink of destruction, going through some hard times, or just wanting to watch a movie could relate to it. Though I doubt a family on the brink of destruction would actually want to sit down and watch a movie together.

Some Other Mentions (By No Means Should These Be Considered Lesser Works, It’s just not ones that I’m big on):

Good Movies, Great Dustin: “Little Big Man”, “Straight Time”, “Dick Tracy”, “Rain Man”, “Papillion”.

The One That Only I Would Like: “Hook”

Seriously Underrated: “I Heart Huckabees”

Ones to stay away from: Almost everything after 1990. Especially “Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium”.

One to watch with the idea you have to have the mindset that it’s the 1960s and that if I watched it a second time I’d probably like it a lot more: “Midnight Cowboy”

Ones I Haven’t Seen (Whip Me Now..because some of these are big ones):
Lenny (Ouch)
John & Mary
Marathon Man (AWWW GOD IT BURNS!)